Driver Certification
The University of Oregon has a user friendly process for driver certification that allows the driver to self-certify, upon an endorsement from their department. This process decreases the time it takes to become driver certified and allows drivers to be certify almost immediately upon request.
To drive any vehicle for university-business travel, a driver must be certified through the University of Oregon Driver Certification process prior to driving any vehicle for university-business travel. To be driver certified a driver must meet minimum driver and driving requirements and complete an online form. Completion of the online form requires a signature from a supervisor or department coordinator; this person cannot be a student or yourself. Driver certification is valid from the date the online process is completed through September 30th.
Van Driver Certification
To drive a van for university-business travel, or rent a van from the state motor pool, a driver must also complete the required van-training. This online course, provided by Oregon State University, is valid indefinitely once completed.
Motor Pool
UO Motor Pool Updates
Oregon State University operates a motor pool of vans, trucks, and sedans for rent to University of Oregon affiliates authorized to travel on official UO business. The OSU motor pool is located in a University of Oregon building at 3233 Franklin Blvd, Eugene Oregon. Motor pool vehicles may park in the follow spaces on the University of Oregon Campus:
- Service vehicle spaces for no longer than four hours
- Hourly parking spaces for no longer than four hours
- Unreserved spaces in B and C zones, but NOT in A zones
A driver must be certified through the UO Driver Certification process and complete the OSU Driver Authorization Form in order to rent a vehicle from the State Motor Pool. To rent a van from the motor pool, a driver must also complete the OSU Online Van Training.
Minimum Driver and Driver Record Requirement
- I confirm that I am 18 years or older.
- I confirm that I hold a valid and current driver license.
- I confirm that within the past 60 months, I have NOT been convicted of a major traffic offense. Major traffic offenses include, but are not limited to, reckless driving, driving while under the influence of intoxicants, failure to perform the duties of a driver involved in an accident or collision, using a vehicle to commit a crime, leaving the scene of a property damage accident, driving on a suspended or revoked license, fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer, driving after being declared to be a habitual offender, and vehicular negligent injury.
- I confirm that within the past 36 months, I have NOT been convicted of a Class A traffic violation in conjunction with a violation of equal or lower class (Class A, B, C, or D). Examples of Class A violations include, but are not limited to, careless driving, driving while using a mobile device, driving 30+ mph in excess of the speed limit or 21+ mph over the limit if the speed limit is 65+ mph, failure to yield to a traffic patrol member, speed racing, failure to stop for bus safety lights, and failure to report a vehicular accident.
- I confirm that within the past 24 months, I have NOT been convicted of a Class B traffic violation in conjunction with a violation of equal or lower class (Class B, C, or D). Examples of Class B violations include, but are not limited to, failure to yield to a pedestrian or cyclist in the bike lane, driving 21-30 mph in excess of the speed limit, or 11-20 mph over the limit if the speed limit is 65+ mph, interference with an emergency vehicle, having an open alcohol container in the vehicle, disobeying one-way designation or driving on the left side of the road, and disobeying a traffic control device (i.e. stop sign, red light).
- I confirm that within the past 24 months, I have NOT had a felony revocation of driving privileges or felony or misdemeanor driver license suspension.
- I confirm that within the past 12 months, I have NOT been convicted of a Class C traffic violation in conjunction with a violation of equal or lower class (Class C or D). Examples of Class C violations include, but are not limited to, driving 11-20 mph in excess of the speed limit, failure to maintain safety belts, and illegal U-turn.
- I confirm that within the past 12 months, I have NOT had more than three convictions for Class D moving traffic violations. Examples of Class D violations include, but are not limited to, driving 1-10 mph in excess of the speed limit, failure to wear a safety belt, failure to yield to a transit bus, smoking/vaping in vehicle with child present, making an unlawful turn, making an unlawful or unsignaled lane change, and failure to use lights.