Parking Policy and Regulations


All vehicular parking provided by the University of Oregon is available on a fee basis and at rates published annually after approval through the University’s process for Special Fees, Fines, Penalties, and Service Charges.  Eligibility for parking permits, information specific to permit rates and refunds, regulations on use of University parking areas, enforcement, violations, and the citation appeal process, as well as bicycle registration and parking, are published in the University’s Parking Regulations.  Transportation Services shall maintain and publish said parking regulations.

All members of the University community and all visitors to the campus are responsible for observing the University’s Parking Regulations and for all University parking violations involving the vehicles and bicycles they drive, own, or register, regardless of who is operating the vehicle. These regulations shall be accessible to any person who is operating a vehicle or bicycle on the University of Oregon campus

.Any faculty, staff, student, or visitor may present in writing recommendations for changes to the campus parking regulations.  Recommendations will be considered annually by the director of Transportation Services in consultation with other appropriate University officials and groups. Revised parking regulations will be published according to the schedule outlined on the Transportation Services website.

The University shall maintain a Parking Citation Appeals Board for the purpose of reviewing the decisions of Transportation Services for the purpose of determining if a decision was unreasonable or arbitrary or was not supported by substantial evidence. The Citation Appeals Board is composed of representatives from the faculty, staff and student body.

Updated July 10, 2019. Additional information available on the University of Oregon Policy website.


Regulations updated 6/17/2022

I. General Information

Transportation Services implements and enforces UO's parking policies and regulations. This information is published to notify vehicle owners and operators of these policies and regulations. All drivers who bring vehicles onto campus are required to obey state and local laws, and know and obey UO's parking policies and regulations. Vehicle owners and parking permit owners are responsible for the proper operation and parking of the vehicles registered to them, regardless of who operates the vehicle, and are responsible for any fines or actions taken due to violations of parking policies and regulations. Parking on campus is done at the vehicle owner’s own risk and the University of Oregon assumes no liability or responsibility for loss, theft, or damage to your vehicle.


II. Parking Regulations

Vehicle Parking

  • A vehicle is considered as any type of motor-powered or alternative-powered conveyance including, but not limited to, automobiles, trucks, utility/golf carts, motorcycles, and mopeds. 
  • Parking of personal micro-mobility devices are covered separately in UO’s personal mobility device policy.
  • Parking is considered any stopped and unattended vehicle, or any vehicle attended by a driver who refuses to move the vehicle after a request from an authorized University official.
  • Parking spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis, unless otherwise reserved.
  • All vehicles must be parked in a designated parking space.
  • Parking is not allowed in yellow zones, fire lanes, driveways, landscaped areas, crosswalks or sidewalks.
  • Vehicles must fit inside a designated parking space, and may not cross or park on the painted lines or extend past the painted limits of a parking space. 
  • Parking of motor homes, recreational vehicles, trailers and boats is not allowed.
  • Vehicles may not block fire hydrants, driveways, entrances, service vehicle drives, other vehicles, or any accessible route or area. 
  • Vehicles parked in spaces on university streets must be parked in the direction of the flow of traffic.
  • Parking lots and spaces may not be used for purposes outside of vehicle parking, without prior approval from Transportation Services. 
  • Parking of disabled vehicles or performing mechanical or maintenance repair to vehicles on University property is prohibited regardless of parking permit or hourly payment status. 
  • No animal may be left unattended in a parked vehicle.
  • All persons who park in UO parking lots, during hours when permit or payment to park is required, must obtain a UO parking permit or pay hourly for parking.
  • No parking is allowed during 12 AM–5 AM, Monday-Sunday, except in specific permit parking lots authorized through the purchase of an overnight or residential permit. 

Permit Parking

  • Permits are required, 7 AM-6 PM, Monday-Friday, in A, B and C zones, except on University recognized holidays.
  • Residential permits are required year-round, at all times, in R zones.
  • A parking permit is only valid in the zones, lots, or spaces specified for the permit.
  • Parking permits are virtual and issued electronically. 
  • Vehicles must have a valid license plate linked to a parking permit when parked in UO parking lots during times when a parking permit is required.
  • License plate must be clearly displayed, in a manner visible to enforcement staff.
  • Multiple vehicles may be linked to a parking permit. 
  • A parking permit allows for only one vehicle at a time, linked to the permit, to be parked in a UO permit lot. 

Hourly Parking

  • Payment for hourly parking is required 7 AM-6 PM, Monday-Saturday in pay-to-park spaces, as posted. 
  • Payment for hourly parking is required through the posted pay-by-app system or through a pay-to-park kiosk. 
  • Vehicles must have a valid license plate linked to the pay-by-app or pay-to-park kiosk payment when parked in UO parking lots during times when payment is required.

Disabled Parking

  • Only vehicles displaying an DMV issued disabled placard and a valid UO parking permit may park in any ADA space on campus, regardless of the zone, lot, or space specified for the permit.
  • Vehicles displaying an DMV issued disabled placard may park in any hourly pay-to-park space without payment, except the 13th Ave Garage and the Millrace Garage

Motorcycle Parking

  • Motorcycles and mopeds may only park in spaces specifically designated for motorcycles.
  • A valid UO parking permit, for any zone, or motorcycle permit is required in these spaces.
  • Parking in motorcycle spaces is restricted to vehicles defined as "motorcycles" and "mopeds" according to ORS 801.365 and ORS 801.345.

Electric Vehicle Parking

  • Parking in electric vehicle charging spaces is restricted to battery electric vehicles (BEV) or plug in-hybrid vehicles (PHEV), at all times.
  • Vehicles must be actively charging when parked in these spaces.
  • Vehicles may park in electric vehicle charging spaces for no longer than four hours a day. 
  • As posted, a UO parking permit or hourly payment is required in these spaces. 
  • Any valid zone permit may park in any EV charging space during active charging.
  • After charge is complete, vehicle must be moved to the zone consistent with the pre-purchased permit-type. 

Reserved Parking

  • Parking in reserved spaces is restricted to the permit or department for which that space is reserved, as posted.

Service Vehicle Parking

  • Parking in service vehicle spaces is restricted to UO-owned service vehicles and vehicles with valid UO service vehicle parking permits, at all times.
  • UO-owned service vehicles and vehicles with valid UO service vehicle parking permits may park in service vehicle spaces for no longer than four hours. 
  • UO-owned service vehicles and vehicles with valid UO service vehicle parking permits may also parking in unreserved spaces in B and C zones.
  • In A zones, UO-owned service vehicles and vehicles with valid UO service vehicle parking permits may only park in service vehicle spaces. Parking in unreserved spaces within A zones is prohibited. 
  • Long term parking or storage of UO-owned service vehicles in UO parking lots is not permitted without prior approval from Transportation Services.

Loading Zone Parking

  • Loading docks and loading zones may be used only by vehicles actively loading or unloading, at all times.
  • Vehicles may park for no longer than thirty minutes or as otherwise posted.
  • UO parking permits or hourly payment for parking is not required at loading docks or loading zones.

Publicly Owned Vehicle Parking

  • Vehicles owned, hired, or operated by a public agency, and vehicles displaying E-license plates or G-license plates, are considered publicly owned vehicles.
  • Publicly owned vehicles may park in service vehicle spaces for no longer than four hours.
  • Publicly owned vehicles may park in unreserved spaces in B and C zones.
  • In A zones, publicly owned vehicles may only park in service vehicle spaces. Parking in unreserved spaces within A zones is prohibited.
  • Publicly owned vehicles may park in hourly parking spaces for no longer than four hours.
  • Long term parking or storage of publicly owned vehicles in UO parking lots is not permitted without prior approval from Transportation Services.

III. Parking Permits: Eligibility & Responsibility

Parking permit eligibility is determined by the affiliation(s) an individual has with the University of Oregon, as provided by the University’s Identity Management system. Permit holders are responsible for all fees associated with their permits. Acceptance of a university parking permit is acknowledgment that the university may make payroll deductions and/or place charges on student billing accounts for outstanding parking permit fees. Permits for non-employee visitor parking may be purchased with university funds, including charges to department indexes. However, departments may not use university or Foundation funds to pay for permits used by employees for privately owned vehicles, and may not reimburse employees from university or Foundation funds for purchase of a permit for a privately owned vehicle.


IV. Parking Permits: Refunds

It is the responsibility of the permit holder to request a refund. Only permits purchased for a term duration are eligible for refunds. Requests for refunds must be submitted through Transportation Services online parking portal. Individuals who cancel an active fall, winter, or spring term permit before Monday of the 4th week of the academic term may be eligible to receive a partial refund. Individuals who cancel an active summer term permit before Monday of the 4th week of the first session of summer term may be eligible to receive a partial refund.


V. Violation of Parking Regulations

Parking Citation Fines

  • Vehicles parked in violation of parking regulations shall be issued fines through parking citations. 
  • Citation fines must be paid within 30 calendar days of the citation date.
  • Parking citation fines double if unpaid within 30 calendar days of date of the citation date.
  • Unpaid citation fines will be transferred to a student or employee University billing account, or an external collection agency, if unpaid at 60 calendar days.

Additional Parking Penalties

  • Vehicles in violation of parking regulations may be immobilized (booted) or removed (towed) from University property at the owner's expense.
  • Parking privileges may be revoked, or more serious sanctions or discipline actions taken, due to repeated violations or with driving and parking behavior that poses a threat to campus safety.

Parking Citation Appeals

  • Type I appeals must be submitted within 10 calendar days of the citation issuance. 
  • Type II appeals require full payment of citation or a $100 minimum payment, whichever is lower and must be submitted within 10 calendar days of the Type I appeal decision issuance.
  • Failure to appeal within the required time is a forfeiture of the right to appeal.
  • Appeal must be submitted through the online portal.
  • A citation on appeal is placed on 'hold' and will not accrue late fees or be referred to collections until a decision is made.


VI. Changes to Regulations and Schedule of Updates

  • The director of Transportation Services reviews parking policy and regulations on an annual basis at the beginning of the fiscal year.
  • Revisions to parking policy and regulations are made as needed with consideration given to public comments, and to compliance of contractual obligations, university policy, and departmental operations.

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