Appeals Criteria & Process

Parking Citation Appeals Board The next Parking Citation Appeals Board meeting will be April 10, 2025.


Citation appeals are submitted through the Transportation Services Parking Portal.


  • Violation occurs
  • Vehicle is cited for violation
  • Parker chooses to appeal citation –
    • Appeals must be submitted in writing within 10 calendar days of the citation issuance. Failure to appeal a parking citation within 10 calendar days of the citation issuance forfeit their right to appeal the citation.
    • Appeal must be submitted through the online portal. If online submission presents a hardship, please contact the Transportation Services office right away.
    • The appeal must specify the parker’s email. If communication by email, according to the timelines in this process, presents a hardship, please contact Transportation Services office right away.
    • Once an appeal is received, the citation is placed on 'hold' and will not accrue late fees or be referred to collections until a decision is made.
  • Type I - Administrative Review
    • Appeal statement is reviewed by Transportation Services staff and is approved, denied, or partially approved based on published Citation Appeal Criteria.
      • In considering a Type I appeal of a university parking citation, the administrative reviewer will have the authority to:
        • Approve the appeal and waive the citation amount.
        • Deny the appeal by finding that the individual committed the parking violation, and uphold the citation amount due.
        • Partially Approve for extenuating circumstances, such as a lesser violation than what was cited occurred. In this case, the citation amount may be reduced.
    • Appeal decision will be communicated by email within 35 calendar days of submission date
  • Type II - Citation Appeals Board Review
    • A Type II appeal must be submitted in writing within 10 calendar days of the date of the Type I appeal decision, and must not be based on reasons (a) – (m) under Citation Appeals Criteria.
    • Full payment of the citation or a $100 minimum payment, whichever is lower, must be made. Please contact the Transportation Services to arrange $100 minimum payment.
    • Appeal must be submitted through the online portal. If online submission presents a hardship, please contact the Transportation Services office right away. The appeal must confirm that full or partial payment of the citation has been provided.
    • Board reviews appeal
      • Board meetings are scheduled approximately every two months, or more frequently if needed. 
      • Appeal statement is reviewed by the Citation Appeals Board at the next available public board meeting and is approved, denied, or partially approved based on published Citation Appeal Criteria. The meeting time, date, and location will be posted on Transportation Services’ website at least 10 days before the scheduled meeting, and is open to the public. The Board will have the authority to:
        • Approve the appeal and waive the citation amount.
        • Deny the appeal by finding that the individual committed the parking violation, and uphold the citation amount due.
        • Partially Approve for extenuating circumstances, such as a lesser violation than what was cited occurred. In this case, the citation amount may be reduced.
    • The decision of the Citation Appeals Board is final.
    • Appeal decision will be communicated by email.
  • If the appeal is denied or partially approved, any remaining unpaid portion of the citation will be due in full within 30 calendar days of the date posted on email communication from the board.


The following reasons are not valid as the basis for appeal:

a.    Lack of knowledge of regulations, for example, new to campus or have not read regulations
b.    Other vehicles were also parked improperly
c.    Late to class or appointment
d.    Disagreement with, or inability to pay, the amount of the fine(s)
e.    Lack of parking space
f.    Did not read or misunderstood signs
g.    Parking only for short period of time
h.    Failure to display parking permit, for example, the parking permit was in another vehicle or left at home
i.    Parked in accessible parking space without valid DMV placard
j.    Lost citation
k.    Forgetfulness
l.    Inclement weather
m.    Not having been cited previously when committing a similar violation

For both Type I and Type II appeals, in order for a citation appeal to be approved, one of the following two criteria must be met:

  1. Appellant has factual evidence that the alleged parking violation was not committed and no lesser violation was involved.
  2. Though the violation was committed, appellant has factual evidence that it occurred due to circumstances beyond the appellant’s control. Evidence of illness that necessitated the violation, mechanical breakdowns that were handled in a reasonably expeditious manner, and documented erroneous information given by a Transportation Services employee are examples of circumstances beyond an appellant’s control.

Factual evidence must be submitted at the time of appeal. Examples of factual evidence include written documentation (letters, emails, receipts, etc) and/or photographs.

Parking Citation Appeals Board

Transportation Services maintains an independent Parking Citation Appeals Board to review Type II appeals as outlined in the process above. The appeals board is comprised of 5-7 faculty, staff, and students who are not part of Transportation Services. If you are interested in serving on the appeals board, please fill out the application at the link below. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis whenever a vacancy needs to be filled. Before filling out the appeals board application, please make sure you have read and understood the process above and have reviewed the board bylaws.

Parking Citation Appeals Board Application

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