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UO Transportation Plan

The University of Oregon Transportation Plan is a comprehensive long-term strategy aimed at enhancing accessibility, fostering campus vibrancy, and promoting sustainable travel options including walking, biking, and transit use. Our goal is to support safe and efficient travel needs while effectively coordinating development efforts with the surrounding community. The UO Transportation Plan will provide the university a long-range transportation capital project list, sustainable travel options, programs, and services that help campus meet its sustainability goals while best meeting the travel challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

Working with a team of planning consultants and the university community, the University of Oregon Transportation Plan will serve as a tool to help establish a continuing framework to guide strategic growth and development. This plan focuses on promoting alternative transportation options, reducing single-occupancy vehicle trips, and enhancing pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. By prioritizing walking, biking, public transit, and carpooling, the plan aims to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and create a safer campus for everyone.

Key Features of Our Plan

  • Multimodal Connectivity: Improve connections between different modes of transportation, making it easier for students, faculty, staff, and visitors to move around campus without relying on cars.
  • Bike Friendly Campus: Design bike lanes, secure bike parking facilities, and bike-sharing programs, to support bicycling as a convenient and eco-friendly way to travel to, from, and around campus.
  • Pedestrian Safety: Implement measures such as improved crosswalks, traffic calming techniques, and enhanced lighting to ensure the safety of pedestrians on campus.
  • Parking Management: Incorporate innovative parking management strategies, including pricing incentives for carpooling and electric vehicle charging stations. Reduce the demand for parking spaces and promote sustainable transportation options.
  • Transit Enhancements: Leverage partnerships with local transit agencies to enhance bus travel.
  • Campus Green Initiatives: Create a more vibrant and inviting campus environment.

Project Updates

In January 2024, the project team began gathering comprehensive information including collecting campus infrastructure details, traffic patterns, traffic counts, and demographics. This will result in an existing conditions analysis that will later be used to identify system gaps and solutions.


The Transportation Plan will be completed in approximately 17 months, from January 2024 to May 2025. Throughout this process, the project team will regularly reach out to stakeholders and key partners both on and off campus to gather and share information. At key milestones in the project, draft sections of the plan will be shared on the project website and opportunities for wider public engagement will be available.

These opportunities will be marked on the timeline below:

Public Engagement Opportunity    Draft Report    Final Report


    January 2024 - April 2024

    Review of Existing Conditions

    • Data Collection
    • Mapping Analysis

    April 2024 - May 2024   

    Existing Conditions Draft Report

    • Online Mapping Tool & Survey
    • Public Engagement

    April 2024 - August 2024

    Assess Future Needs

    • Potential Growth Scenarios
    • Future Conditions Assessment

    August 2024   

    Future Conditions Draft Report


    September 2024   

    Final Future Conditions Report


    September 2024 - October 2024   

    Develop Project Recommendations

    • Draft Project List
    • Project Prioritization
    • Funding Assessment
    • Public Engagement

    November 2024   

    Final Project List

    Planning Level Cost Estimates


    February 2025   

    Transportation Plan Document

    • Draft Transportation Plan
    • Public Engagement

    May 2025   

    Final Transportation Plan


Project Manager

Paula Ellison, Assistant Director, Transportation Services,

UO Project Team

Consultant Team

Kittelson & Associates
  • Phill Worth, Principal Planner
  • Matt Kittelson, Associate Engineer
  • Corrie Parrish, Senior Planner

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