Bikes & Friends Commuter Club


The Bikes & Friends Commuter Club is open to anyone interested in commuting to UO using active transportation. Whether you are familiar with walking and rolling to UO or want to know how to get started, you will meet new friends and learn about commuting best practices. 

Want to be involved in the club? Please fill out this interest form. 



Image Person riding a bicycle on UO campus

UPCOMING EVENTS: Monthly meeting on February 25, 2025 from 5:30-6:30pm at the EMU Bike Program

This month our focus is "The Squeaky Wheel", how to go about improving infrastructure. We will have a special Q&A with Willow Hamilton, a dedicated bike commuter and member of Eugene's Transportation Planning team. We will also spotlight some of our very own club members to learn more about their commutes. There will be socializing and complimentary tea and snacks at this free event. See you there!

Brought to you by UO Transportation Services, the Bike Program, and the Office of Sustainability


HOW TO GET STARTED WITH BIKE COMMUTING: Eugene is among the best cities in the U.S. for biking. The City of Eugene maintains a helpful website with resources to get rolling:

  • Choose a bike and get it registered, also consider using bike share (PeaceHealth Rides)
  • Plan your route
  • Cycling laws, safety and etiquette
  • Storing and locking your bike
  • Get to know your local bike shops and community events

Contact: Active Transportation Coordinator, Rachel Glaeser: